City of Sacramento COVID Relief Campaign

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all—as individuals, families, business owners, and as a community. When the City of Sacramento came to us to help launch its COVID relief campaign, we hit the ground running.

In just 32 days, we went from a freshly signed contract to campaign launch with the goal of making all Sacramentans aware of the resources and programs available through the CARES Act funding. Working with City staff, we developed a tailored work plan and launched the Sacramento COVID Relief campaign centered on the tagline, “Together We Move Forward” and executed a town hall event hosted by Mayor Darrell Steinberg and attended by over 100 community-based organizations.

The website saw 92,232 views by 72,065 individuals and between September and December, our ads generated 2,820,665 total impressions across diverse audiences. A combination of training and toolkit resources along with a mini-grant program saw the engagement of over 65 trusted CBOs who occupied a vital role as ambassadors to Sacramento’s neighborhoods and districts. We are proud of this campaign and of the resiliency of the city we love.