Pandemic Challenges Equals Agency Growth

RSE Experiences Expansion While Helping California’s Communities Combat COVID-19
As RSE and its staff adjusted to the professional and personal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we maintained our focus on providing exceptional strategic guidance, tactical support and customer service to our roster of public- and private-sector clients. Early in the pandemic, RSE, like most businesses, worried about client and staff retention and organizational sustainability resulting from the pandemic’s unprecedented challenges.
Our response to the challenges was one of determination, focus, and optimism. This approach paid off as RSE has witnessed significant business growth since March of 2020. New business opportunities, and an expansion of existing client assignments, has resulted in rewarding work for an RSE team now comprised of employees living and working throughout the U.S.
In 2020, RSE pursued and won the State of California, County of Sacramento and City of Sacramento COVID-19 public outreach and communications campaigns. The work is profoundly rewarding, and we have had the opportunity to engage directly with leadership in the Governor’s Office, the California Health and Human Services Agency, the California Department of Public Health, the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, CalOSHA, the Center at Sierra Health Foundation, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Sacramento Mayor’s Office.
In 2021, we won the renewal of our Real ID contract with the California Department of Motor Vehicles and several county public health contracts throughout the state, we expanded our work with the California Community Colleges to include a new statewide enrollment campaign, we were engaged by Reviver to market digital license plates in California and beyond and, just last week, we were awarded California’s drought campaign by the California Department of Water Resources.
In addition, our pursuit of work at the national level continued as RSE carried out Medicaid Dental assignments in New York State for Delta Dental, concluded our enumerator recruitment campaign for the U.S. Census and continued our assignment to develop the first ever national post-partum depression campaign through the Office of Women’s Health at the U.S. Health and Human Services Agency. To top it all off, we were recently awarded a U.S. General Services Administration contract to offer advertising and public relations services to federal agencies and departments in Washington, DC and throughout the nation.
While not a complete list of RSE’s business wins, we are proud to share this summary and look forward to continued business growth in California and beyond. With headquarters in Sacramento, and offices in Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C., RSE’s future continues to look bright.
If you’re interested in joining our team, please reach out to us at