Leveraging the Right Messenger

RSE launches CBO-driven City of Sacramento vaccination campaign
When it comes to moving audiences to action, oftentimes the messenger is just as important as the message. In RSE’s latest campaign for the City of Sacramento, that insight proved pivotal.
Research shows when it comes to persuading those hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine, the use of trusted messengers – people who look like members of the target audience and share similar real-world experiences – is key to message reception.

For the Sacramento Get Vaccinated campaign, we engaged community influencers such as community-based organization (CBO) leaders, chamber of commerce representatives and health center clinicians and used their photos and words on campaign assets. At the same time, we launched a CBO outreach program providing organizations from across Sacramento with the opportunity to receive up to $5,000 in stipends and marketing support to conduct on-the-ground outreach to increase vaccinations in areas of the city where rates are currently lowest.
Engaging trusted messengers of the community to deliver campaign messages – and providing them with a stipend to support their hard work – is a social impact best practice RSE knows well. In 2020 we launched the first of its kind CBO stipend program for the City of Sacramento’s COVID Relief campaign, engaging more than 70 community messengers from across Sacramento to deliver key messages and information. This winter, we launched a robust CBO stipend program, All in for Families, to expand the reach and create campaign sustainability for First 5 San Joaquin.
To learn more about these programs or find out how RSE can help you to engage the appropriate messengers for your message and audience, reach out to us here.