RSE is a place for everyone.
At RSE, we believe in the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) and believe it is an integral part of how our company functions. We are dedicated to our community, which is made up of our employees, clients and people within our networks. To truly support them all in their social identities, experiences and needs and create social change by making DEIB part of our daily lives.

Acknowledging multiple identities and demographics that are represented within RSE.
Ensuring all RSE employees have equal access to opportunities for growth, development and promotions.
An environment where all RSE employees and candidates will feel welcomed and valued.
The emotional state where all RSE employees feel welcome exactly as they are.

Cultivating and Nourishing DEIB at RSE
RSE has a dedicated committee of diverse leaders focused on DEIB hiring, partnerships and education. The committee helps develop best practices around recruitment and hiring for our company. They also organize continuing education and awareness workshops for employees and work and partner with our diverse communities.